I forgot

JohnPaul Mburu
2 min readJun 27, 2020

I forgot how to spell out your name,

In my head, you are still the love

You sound like love to my ears

In my heart it feels you as love

And as I breathe this few last breaths of love

You are still making me inhale your love

I lost hope

I lost affection

I lost all that is me

I felt so sunk into despair

As much as I wanted to be away from you

I felt like you whisper your frustration of me walking away

In my sleep, you haunted my dreams and crawled into my bed

My mornings would feel cold and lonely without you beside me

Here I am wondering if you are happy

Your smile is bright as I remember

But you are smiling for him

Your skin glows and you look so tender

But he is holding you as I reminisce how your warm touch felt

I was wrong, you were right

Or maybe I am convincing myself that I should have let you hurt me enough

Yes, love hurts!!

It hurt while we were together and it still hurts while we are apart

So I will hurt myself with some closure

I met you

It was the beginning of a great friendship

I dated you

It was the beginning of Love and Hate

I lost you

It was the beginning of my Poem

So I will make you read my story from now on

Feel happy and feel the sadness in my words

Feel loved and feel hated in my anger

Feel thought of and feel the cleansing of you in my life!

